2024 SW NAIDOC Male Elder of the Year

Dr. Wayne ‘Wonitji’ WebbDr.

Wayne ‘Wonitji’ Webb is a remarkable and well-respected Wadandi Pibulmun Yunungjarli Elder and cultural custodian who has made significant contributions to the Undalup and Wooditjup communities and beyond. His lifelong dedication to preserving and sharing cultural knowledge has left an indelible mark on the South West region.

A Lifelong Connection to Boodja

Born in 1957, Uncle Wayne grew up with an intimate connection to the Wadandi coastline. He developed a deep understanding of boodja, its stories, and its significance to his people, which has shaped his lifelong commitment to protecting and sharing cultural knowledge.

For over 35 years, Uncle Wayne has worked tirelessly to protect and study hundreds of cultural sites, including caves where remains and artefacts dating back 60,000 years have been found. His expertise in archaeological and anthropological exploration has contributed to the preservation of ancient cultural knowledge for future generations.

Surfing the South West

Not only is Uncle Wayne a custodian of boodja, he is one of Wooditjup’s original surfers. In the late 1960s, he rode the waves of the South West, gaining firsthand knowledge of the coastline. Over the years, he has worked with local and visiting surfers, imparting a greater understanding of the significance of boodja to local custodians.

Academic and Community Recognition

In 2021, Uncle Wayne was awarded an honorary Doctorate of Letters from the University of Western Australia in recognition of his outstanding contributions to academia, culture, and community. He is an active Board Member of the Undalup Association, an organization dedicated to promoting and sharing Wadandi culture, traditions, knowledge, and history across South West communities. Undalup collaborates with local businesses, groups, and organizations to raise awareness of Wadandi culture, and Uncle Wayne has been pivotal in building and maintaining these relationships.

Uncle Wayne also plays a crucial role as a cultural advisor at the Karri Karrak Aboriginal Corporation. His expertise contributes to Karri Karrak’s mission of managing Country, protecting the environment, and promoting Noongar education and leadership.

Recent Projects and Initiatives

Uncle Wayne has been involved in numerous projects, including:

  • 3000 Generations & The Next One: Reflecting on 3000 generations of Wadandi culture in the South West

  • Margaret River Readers and Writers Festival 2024

  • Welcome to Country for Vintage 2024

  • Margaret River Pro 2024

  • Bunuru Festival 2024

  • The Cultural Seascape of Wadandi Boodja

  • Two-way science and slow cool burns

  • Looking After Sea Country

  • Undalup Community Ranger Program

  • Wadandi Surf Academy

  • Friends of Wooditjup Bilya

A Deserving Honor

There is little doubt that Uncle Wayne is a deserving recipient of the 2024 SW NAIDOC Male Elder of the Year award. His lifelong commitment to preserving Wadandi culture, language, and boodja has left an indelible mark on the South West region. His expertise in archaeology and anthropology, ability to engage with the community to foster reconciliation, and his traditional knowledge in sustainable land and marine management are highly recognized and significant contributions to Country and community.

We thank you, Uncle Wayne, for your ongoing dedication and congratulate you on being awarded the 2024 SW NAIDOC Male Elder of the Year.


Female Elder 2024


Education 2024